A. Vlieger (2) - Kees Buurman
Broekplein 2 (corner Dwergwier), Leiden
Question: Kites are an important theme in the poetry of Kees Buurman. In which other forms of art did he also incorporate kites?
B. Kexi - Du Fu
Buizerdhorst 110-111 (opposite Papiermolen), Leiden
Question: What is this Chinese poem about?
C. De Waterlelie - Frederik van Eeden
Valkenhorst 30 (tunnel de Valk / Valkenpad)
Question: Jan Willem Bruins always applied the poems to the wall freehand. This meant the occasional mistake slipped in. Behind the word ‘blank’ on the second line of this poem, one word is missing. What word is that?
D. Wij w8888888 - Kurt Schwitters
Bonaireplein 09-29
Question: Where did Schwitters hope people would await him?
E. Het kind en ik - Martinus Nijhoff
Sumatrastraat/Formosastraat 33 en 48
Question: What is special about the design of this wall poem?
F. Zang Tumb Tumb - Filippo Tomasso Marinetti
Hoge Rijndijk 8
Question: The sounds you read in this poem are not as joyous as they seem. What do they represent?
G. A une passante - Charles Baudelaire
Zoeterwoudsesingel 55
Question: Underneath this poem you may notice a little blue French lily. What does this signature symbolize?
H. Nacht - Aleksandr Blok
Thorbeckestraat 52
Question: This wall poem comes with two squares. These are inspired by the work of a famous artist. Who is this artist?
I. Vruntschap - Jan van Hout
Drie Octoberstraat 34
Question: Jan van Hout is not a famous poet, but he is a famous Leidener. What is he primarily known for in Leiden?
J. De ridder in het pantervel - Sjota Roestaveli
Witte Rozenstraat 1
Question: After 100 wall poems, the TEGEN-BEELD Foundation frequently received requests to add wall poems in missing languages. This wall poem is an example. In what language is it written?